Eight-Minute Empire

 2-4 PLAYERS   |   AGES 13+   |   16-32 MINUTES

Eight-Minute Empire Legends! This is a relatively fast game, as the title suggests. In a four-player game, each player can complete their respective empires in about 8 minutes. 

In Eight-Minute Empire, players draft or purchase cards that determine what action(s) they will take that turn. The actions are simple: place a number of armies, move a number of armies, or build a city. The goal is to control the most territories across the modular regions and islands. Some cards and other tokens in the Legends version provide additional resources and victory points.

There’s some strategy, but overall it’s a pretty light game. I like the mechanics of having six face-up cards that shift from costing 3 to 2 to 1 to 0, because there’s a cost-benefit analysis that has to be done; do you buy an expensive card so your opponent(s) don’t get it? But you don’t want to spend all your money or you’ll only be able to afford the free cards on future turns. 

Yes! Because the board is modular and the card layout varies, you’ll never have two games that are the same. The Legends version adds even more variety to the game.
